Sharon A. Davis
Durham County Register of Deeds

Self Service Web

  • Disclaimer Content
  • This online database is provided by the Durham County Register of Deeds Office, solely for the convenience of its public users. While every effort is made to ensure that this information is accurate and current, the certified record, including historical indexes, can be found onsite at the Durham County Register of Deeds Office’s physical location.


    Effective May 16, 2022, Durham County Register of Deeds implemented a new recording system and database.  

    Upon creating an online profile here, users are now able to:

    ·         Search birth records online and print uncertified copies.

    ·         Search death records online and print uncertified copies.

    ·         Search marriage records online and print uncertified certificates.

    All real estate documents are accessible online with the following exceptions.  These documents can be accessed at the Register of Deeds Office.

    ·               Real estate documents filed 1975 – 1977.

    ·               Historical record

    -               Condo Books

    -              Corporate Books

    -              Mortgage Books

    -            Plat Books

    When conducting a search for historic plats/maps be advised that some of the historic plat books numbered 1 - 31 may be separated into “A” books or “B” books. When conducting a search, the letter “A” or “B” should be added to the book number when searching online in the following books

    Plat Books:

    1A, 1B             Book 1A starts with page 1 and ends with page 130; 1B starts with page 131 and ends with page 261


    3A, 3B             Book 3A starts with page 1 and ends with page 95; 3B starts with page 96 and ends with page 195


    5A, 5B             Book 5A starts with page 1 and ends with page 100; 5B starts with page 101 and ends with page 195


    6A, 6B             Book 6A starts with page 1 and ends with page 106; 6B starts with page 107 and ends with page 208


    18A                 All entries for this book are under 18A, there is no Book 18B


    28A, 28B         Book 28A starts with page 1 and ends with page 56;   28B starts with page 57 and ends with page 111


    31A, 32B         Book 31A starts with page 1 and ends with page 56;   31B starts with page 57 and ends with page 112


    If you are attempting a search and your Plat Book reference is not producing any results, include the letter “A” or “B” behind the book number. For example, a plat book reference on a deed may appear as Plat Book 28 and Page 5; however when performing a search, this record can be found by searching for Plat Book 28A and Page 5.

    *Due to the malware attack on Durham County, some documents filed on March 6, 2020 may not be displayed in their entirety.


    In some rare instances, images may be temporarily unavailable online while system backups are in progress. The Registrar will make every effort to provide the public notice during these occasions. Please note, all N.C. General Statutes related to both the temporary and permanent indexes will be adhered to during these infrequent periods.


    For further assistance, please call the Register of Deeds office at 919-560-0480.


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